Muototerä - Wasserstrahlschneidtechnik aus Finnland - Wasserstrahlschneiden mit FinJet


Muototerä Oy ist ein Hersteller von qualitativ hochwertigen Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen zum Schneiden verschiedener Materialien wie Metall, Glas, Kunststoffe, Stein, Fliesen und vieles mehr. Mit der Modellreihe FinJet bietet das Unternehmen Portal- und Ausleger-Systeme zum 2D-Abrasivschneiden oder zum Winkelschneiden ebenso wie Systeme zum Purwasser-Schneiden oder Anlagen zum Mikro-Wasserstrahlschneiden.Muototerä - Wasserstrahlschneidetechnik aus Finnland

Muototerä Oy mit Firmensitz in Tampere, Finnland, ist ein Hersteller von innovativen und maßgeschneiderten Wasserstrahlschneidemaschinen. Dabei kooperiert das Unternehmen seit vielen Jahren mit KMT Waterjet Systems, dem Spezialisten für Ultra-Hochdrucktechnologie zum Wasserstrahlschneiden.

Muototerä bietet mit seiner Modellreihe "FinJet" eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Wasserstrahlanlagen: Von 2D-Schneidtischen und Systemen zm 3D-Winkelschneiden über Purwasserschneidanlagen bis hin zu Systemen zum Mikro-Wasserstrahlschneiden und Robotersystemen. Dabei kann der Kunde sowohl eine Wasserstrahlanlage von der Stange erwerben als auch ein maßgeschneidertes System, das genau auf seine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist.

Zudem bietet Muototerä eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Optionen für seine Wasserstrahlsysteme an: Automatische Höhen- und Distanzkontrolle für die Schneidköpfe, zusätzlich Bohrköpfe, Aufbauten zum Schneiden von Rohren, Zubehör für die Abrasivversorgung und vieles mehr.

Seit über 25 Jahren arbeitet Muototerä zusammen mit KMT Waterjet Systems, dem Spezialisten für die Hochdrucktechnik zum Wasserstrahlschneiden. Dabei schätzt das Unternehmen vor allem die hohe Qualität der Hochdruckpumpen zum Wasserstrahlschneiden als auch das weltweite Service-Netzwerk and Wassertarhl-Spezialisten.

Text im Video


00:05hello my name is mr. Khalil and I'm from

00:08the company more than Iraq from Finland

00:09today we are at the Europe let's show

00:122016 at our stand we are a family-owned

00:16business from Finland and we have been

00:19doing water jets close to 30 years now

00:21misting we only use reliable components

00:23and we built the machines to last we

00:27have customers that we have dealer them

00:29machine in the late 80s and they are

00:31still using the machines that we have

00:33provided to them we are not just

00:34building ready solutions from the shelf

00:36but we really like to understand what

00:39customer needs are and build a machine

00:41that will fit perfectly for these needs

00:43so sometimes it's going to mean that we

00:46will have multiple cutting heads we have

00:48different sizes of machines we have pure

00:51water cutting we have opposite cutting

00:53obviously we have robot applications

00:55shuttle tables all different kind of

00:58options and features that will help the

01:01customer to get the most out of this or

01:04it's a cutting machine and also what

01:06we're doing is we're not just selling a

01:08machine we are selling the process

01:10knowledge so we are using these machines

01:12our own every day

01:14currently we have seven water jet

01:16cutting machines running

01:17and by cutting every day we also learn

01:20every day and this is something that we

01:22will bring to our customers not just a

01:24machine but the process what kind of

01:27parameters how to cut how to be

01:28efficient we believe in continuous

01:31learning and continuous improvement and

01:32on daily basis we are learning something

01:35new we are bringing new features to our

01:37own machines we're learning from them

01:38and if we accept them that they are

01:40beneficial for us we also believe that

01:43they will be beneficial for our

01:44customers and we will roll them to

01:46markets but all the features and options

01:48that we are bringing to markets are

01:49already tested and approved by our own

01:52operators which is usually the most

01:54critical audience that we can have but

01:56we are definitely on on gametocytes

01:59there with the world's fastest water jet

02:01KMT so it's it's really a partnership

02:04that has lasted more than 25 years and I

02:06don't see any reason why it wouldn't

02:07last another 24

02:09working together with candy there are

02:10several benefits one of them already in

02:13the marketing phase of course is the

02:14brand KMT is widely known and highly

02:17recognized and valued brand so it's

02:21always very nice to work together with

02:24the highly valued brands and the other

02:26one is them the service network we if we

02:31sell a machine anywhere in the world we

02:32can rely on that that they will place

02:34somewhere near a support maintenance

02:37service available to okay in this

02:39network and this is also giving us

02:40confidence to do more export (Anbieter) business to

02:42be closest to the customer and

02:44understand the customer needs and make

02:46machines that will fit perfectly to the

02:48customer needs and customer gets a long

02:50lasting reliable machine that will

02:53provide their business opportunities to

02:55grow on a steadily basis and this is

02:57where we are and this is where we want

02:59to be

Letzte Änderung: 30.03.2017