Zusammenarbeit GEA und ifm für ein automatisiertes Brauhaus


Kurze Wege und direkte Beratung machen den Erfolg der Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden und Partnern aus.Wie auch in diesem Beispiel des Brauhauses in Skanderborg hat die Zusammenarbeit von GEA und ifm zu einem völlig modernen und hoch automatisierten Brauhaus verholfen , in dem kaum ein Prozess dem Zufall überlassen wird. Von der kompletten Überwachung der Tanks bis hin zur Abfüllung der Produkte unterstützen diverse Produkte den Automatisierungsprozess.

Sie wollen mehr erfahren? Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen: https://www.ifm.com/de/de/applications/020/lebensmittelindustrie-und-getranke.html

Text im Video

00:04We are at the new brewery in Skanderborg city.

00:07Our company started in 2015

00:10"with a brewing capacity of 125

00:15"In 2018 and 2019

00:17and reached a capacity of 4 million litres per year.

00:21"In total

00:26who support the brewery with many different practical things.

00:29"We use different sensors from ifm in our brewery

00:33for instance pressure and level-sensors on our beer tanks.

00:38"Quite a lot of the ifm equipment was purchased and delivered by GEA

00:41who also took care of the commissioning.

00:43We have machines and production equipment from Italian and Dutch companies

00:46that also use products from ifm.

00:48We are very content with that.

00:51We are quite happy to have so many components from ifm with common features.

00:58"We can adjust and calibrate them remotely

01:03We are pleased that we can get everything from one supplier

01:07instead of dealing with ten different suppliers.

01:11GEA is an engineering company that operates globally.

01:17We manufacture process equipment for many different industries.

01:25I think ifm is a good partner to have in a process

01:32"where you have to engineer an entire brewery

01:37because ifm has knowledge of the instruments to be used in the various places.


01:51for the different points in the process.

01:56We are very happy with the cooperation we have with ifm and GEA.

02:00We receive onsite support and inspiration from ifm.

02:10I have been working together with ifm since 1999.

Letzte Änderung: 20.02.2020